Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Biggest Environmental Issues Will Be Discussed

In the following paper many of the biggest environmental issues will be discussed. Complications that derived from human’s ill-treatment to the planet. Take, water for example, our basic necessity of life, yet millions of people do not have access to clean and sanitary water due to pollution; resulting in millions of people worldwide dying from drinking unsanitary water. Global warming itself due to the illnesses and the accommodations that it would demand will eventually cause the lives of all living creatures on earth. Genetic engineering may seem like a good idea on the surface conversely, its disadvantages are more than the advantages. In the end, if humans do not take action in order to change all the previously mentioned issues the inevitable outcome will be death for all living creatures on earth. Earth has been in existence for an approximation of about 4.5 billion years. Overtime it has evolved to become the home of 7 billion people, 20 to 50 million different species of animals and roughly 3 trillion trees. As far as we are concerned, it is the only planet in which the conditions are suitable for life to exist. However, humans have not treated mother earth with kind respect. Instead their selfish ways have been gradually changing the planet we call our home. The waters are polluted, and due to numerous burning of fossil fuels releasing carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, it is causing the layer of the green gas to get thicker resulting in the climatic to getShow MoreRelatedThe Biggest Environmental Issues Will Be Discussed1388 Words   |  6 PagesIn the following paper many of the biggest environmental issues will be discussed. Complications that derived from human’s ill-treatment to the planet. 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