Friday, February 14, 2020

Alchol and its effects on health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Alchol and its effects on health - Essay Example Binge drinking has become rampant in many parts of the world including Europe (Picture-1). According to a study by Anderson & Baumberg (2006), 55 million adults are estimated to drink at harmful levels in the Europe. Harmful consumption of alcohol means more than 40g of alcohol i.e. 4 drinks a day for men and over 20g i.e. 2 drinks a day by women (Anderson & Baumberg, 2006). To understand the effects of alcohol on the health of humans, it is important to first understand the metabolism of alcohol. The cell membranes of human body are highly permeable to alcohol. Once alcohol is absorbed from the stomach, it reaches every tissue in the body. It is mainly metabolized in the liver. The mode of metabolism is oxidation. The first step in the oxidation is conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde and this is catalyzed by alcohol dehydrogenase. During this process, NADH (NAD, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is released. The acetaldehyde is further oxidized to acetic acid which then enters the citric acid cycle and metabolized to carbondioxide and water. NADH is used up in the conversion of pyruvic acid to lactic acid, in the synthesis of lipids and in the electron transport chain (Paton, 2005). Most of the damage to cells caused by ethanol is due to acetaldehyde and NADH. Acetaldehyde causes damage due to immune response and increased NADH causes altered NADH/N AD ratio leading to increased oxygen consumption and hypermetabolic state (Tome & Lucey, 2004). The effects of alcohol change over time. This is known as biphasic effect. The side effects depend on the level of intoxication which is again dependent on many other factors like the amount and circumstances of consumption, whether taken before or after meals and also the hydration status of the body. Consumption of alcohol after a heavy meal does not produce much intoxication while consuming on empty stomach leads to increased side

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Economic impact on Crime Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Economic impact on Crime - Literature review Example Unfortunately, illegitimate ways of seeking basic resources and of ensuring human survival have also been used. This may account for the fact that crimes are prevalent in areas with depressed economic conditions. The studies below shall present a literature review on the relationship between the economy and crime, how they impact on each other and mostly how depressed economic conditions lead to the high incidence of crime and how high crime rates can impact negatively on the economy. Review of related literature Before reviewing the studies discussing the relationship of crime and economic conditions, it is important to first establish global conditions relating the economy and crime. Based on the United Nations Global Pulse (2010), their analysis was based on a cross-national assessment which sought to investigate the possible impact of economic stress on crime. The UN report established that in times of economic crisis and non-crisis, economic conditions have a crucial role to pla y in the manifestation of crimes. Based on statistics and analysis from 15 countries, there are general associations which can be made between crime and economic conditions. ... s seem to support the criminal motivation theory which indicates how economic stress may further increase the motivation for individuals to participate in illegal activities (UNGP, 2010). For the different countries compared by the UN, the combination of crime and economic predictors were evaluated and a major association between these elements was identified. The UN assessment cites issues seen during economic crisis like youth gangs, weapons availability, drugs and alcohol abuse, and the low visibility of law enforcement officers as factors which all impact on criminality during economic hardships. In the study by Aiginger (2010), the author compared the recent economic recession with the Great Depression which was seen following the First World War. The authors utilized new data set in order to evaluate the decrease in activity in the industrialized countries using seven activity indicators. Their data indicated that the recent crisis had the possibility of being another Great Dep ression, especially with the speed and decline seen within the first nine months of the recession. However, if it is to be assumed that another greater impact can be avoided, the decrease in the indicators would have to be smaller when compared to the Great Depression. This is true for the GDP, the employment rates, and for manufacturing profits. Differences in the degree of the crisis are expected in terms of differences in the policy reaction. In the Great Depression, fiscal policies were applied in order to manage budgets. However, the lower nominal interest rates led to higher and actual rates. Aiginger (2010) also indicates how the economic policy implemented during the recent crisis prevented the crisis from causing another period of depression. Baron (2008) discusses the importance