Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Effects Of Domestic Violence On Women - 1362 Words

Domestic violence is a sensitive topic even though media and society are providing more information about this topic. Domestic violence not only affects women but children and family in general. This issue is a very sensitive topic and not a lot of individuals are comfortable talking about it or sharing if they have either experience or have someone in their lives that had been subjected to abuse. Sadly, domestic violence is experienced by many people and it does not matter what race, gender, social status, or education people are from. Domestic violence is the term most known among individual, but other refer to this issue as violence against women because predominately women are the victims of abuse. Throughout the essay, there will be†¦show more content†¦Further, violence against women are predominately men subjecting women to abuse in an intimidate relationship. Family violence in Canada: A statistical profile, 2014 states â€Å"Female victims of family violence (56%) were more likely to be victimized by a spouse than male victims (31%)†. This demonstrated that still different between women and men being the perpetrator in a relationship. When talking about violence against women, there is a need to also talk about the different power and control tactics it is used in order to have power over someone. But before to explain about the different tactics, it is important to know that when an individual used power over someone there is an intention behind, either to get what they want (e.i. keep having control or manipulate the other to get their own way) or to avoid something (e.i. avoid an argument, confrontation, or to be accountable for their choices). There are ten power and control tactics that a person can use to subject others to abuse. The tactics are emotional abuse, intimidation, isolation, economic abuse, using children and/or other, minimize, deny, and blame, male privilege, coercion and threats, physical abuse, and sexual abuse. In the following picture capture all ten tactics as well as providing examples of each. When looking closer at the power and control wheel, physical and sexual abuse are on the outside of the

Monday, December 23, 2019

A Transcontinental Railroad - 1499 Words

Around the 1840’s, the western land was still fairy new to America with many Americans eager to expand. Americans became extremely curious, wondering what lies in this forsaken land and developed the proposal of manifest destiny. The term manifest destiny â€Å"was a brief way to express support for American expansion and the annexation of western lands† (Mountjoy 12). Americans were now longing for a path from the Pacific to the Atlantic coast and hoping to fulfill manifest destiny. To achieve this â€Å"Asa Whitney proposes the construction of a transcontinental railroad† (Streissguth 9). The transcontinental railroad was designed to â€Å"link Omaha, Nebraska with Sacramento, California† (Stein 105). By creating the transcontinental railroad America would be able to expand across the entire country and manifest destiny would be fulfilled. After a long process â€Å"On May 10, 1869 the transcontinental railroad was complete† (Bain 9). Americans ha d access across the entire United States and was able to complete manifest destiny. This accomplishment was huge for America and provided happiness for an abundance of citizens. However, this happiness was not achieved by everyone. Plains Indians were very agitated upon the completion of the transcontinental railroad. The transcontinental railroad’s â€Å"tracks ran through a number of tribal territories, bringing into conflict cultures that held very different views of the land and how it might be used and lived on† (Jawort). How were Plains IndiansShow MoreRelatedThe Transcontinental Railroad And The Railroad1217 Words   |  5 PagesThe Transcontinental Railroad Amid the 1800’s, America was experiencing a period of development known as the Industrial Revolution. America was in its first century of being an autonomous and creative nation. One of the greatest commitments to this huge innovative progression was the foundation of the Transcontinental Railroad. The westward expansion designed to be the key to a nation-building project and a change for the United States.[1] The Pacific Railroads cleared the path in which builtRead MoreThe American Transcontinental Railroad3299 Words   |  14 Pagescirculated about a railroad that would spread across the continent from East to West. Republican congresses ruled for the federal funding of railroad construction, however, all actions were halted for a few years on account of a war. Following the American Civil War of 1861-1865, the race to build transcontinental railroad began in 1866. Lincoln approved Pacific Railway Act of 1862, granting two railroad companies the right to build the first American transcontinental railroad, (Clark 432). TheRead MoreThe Transcontinental Railroad Was A Marvel Of Engineering And Perseverance1148 Words   |  5 PagesNovember 17th, 2017 The Transcontinental Railroad is a marvel of engineering and perseverance. A transcontinental railroad is railroad that crosses through a continent. It was built between 1862 and 1869 across the United States. The initial project was proposed in 1845, but it took more time to start the dangerous construction. It had multiples consequences for the United States, not all positive. But the Transcontinental Railroad did affect the westward expansion. In 1845, Asa Whitney, an importantRead MoreNegative and Positive Impact of the Transcontinental Railroad1165 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ Negative and Positive Impact of the Transcontinental Railroad Jeff Neukirch History 101 American History to 1877 Dr. Kimberly Weathers 26 June 2012 The Impacts of the Transcontinental Railroad On May 10, 1869 as the â€Å"Last Spike† struck by Leland Stanford now connected the Central Pacific and Union Pacific railroads across the United States at Promontory Summit in the Utah Territory. The transcontinental railroads now complete and America is now destined to move to the forefrontRead MoreThe Transcontinental Railroad Act Signed By Pres891 Words   |  4 Pageswas built between Omaha and San Francisco. That iron band was the Transcontinental Railroad. An engineering feat many thought was impossible. Surprisingly, during the carnage of the Civil War it served as a leap of faith for America that the country will survive. It was fraught with challenges from the start ranging from political to financial. Yet it s completion started a new pivotal era for America. The Transcontinental Railroad connected the citizens of America, linking the East and West CoastRead MoreThe Civil Of Chinese Immigrants On The Transcontinental Railroad1964 Words   |  8 Pagesthe Gold Ru sh, but they found no gold—only nativists who did not want them there. So, instead of mining, many Chinese settled for odd jobs and labored on the Transcontinental Railroad, a previously unparalleled project to connect the American West Coast with the American East Coast. The labor of Chinese immigrants on the Transcontinental Railroad was critical in helping to unify the United States of America. In search of a new life, thousands of people left China because of the country’s overpopulationRead MoreEssay on The Transcontinental Railroad And Westward Expansion2649 Words   |  11 Pages The Transcontinental Railroad and Westward Expansion Thesis: The transcontinental railroad greatly increased Westward expansion in the United States of America during the latter half of the nineteenth century. The history of the United States has been influenced by England in many ways. In the second half of the 1800s, the railroad, which was invented in England, had a major effect on Western expansion in the United States. quot;Railroads were born in England, a country with dense populationsRead MoreThe Transcontinental Railroad Network Connected The East And West Coasts1395 Words   |  6 PagesThe Transcontinental Railroad network connected the East and the West coasts; it was completed on May 10, 1869. It increased America’s imports and exports, as well as generated a national interest in tourism; however, the construction of such project encountered a series of issues. These ranged from corruption, the reluctant choice to hire Chinese workers and environmental obstacles. Thanks to the vision of some individuals and the authorization of President Abraham Lincoln, the Transcontinental RailroadRead MoreTranscontinental Railroad. The First Transcontinental Railroad1003 Words   |  5 Pages Transcontinental Railroad The first transcontinental railroad was built in the 1860s, though it was thought about way before those years. Its main purpose was to link the railway network of the Eastern coast with the rapidly growing state of California. No longer would people have to travel in long wagon trails that took months to reach the west coast. In addition to people, things like mail, supplies, and trade goods could now be shipped across the country in a few days. This helped revolutionizeRead MoreThe TransContinental Railroad Essay1488 Words   |  6 PagesThe TransContinental Railroad â€Å"If any act symbolized the taming of the Northwest frontier, it was the driving of the final spike to complete the nation’s first transcontinental railroad.†1 The first railroad west of the Mississippi River was opened on December 23, 1852. Five miles long, the track ran from St. Louis to Cheltanham, Missouri. Twenty-five years prior, there were no railroads in the United States; twenty-five years later, railroads joined the east and west coasts from New

Sunday, December 15, 2019

An Ideal Holiday. Free Essays

After a long period of working, person decides to have an ideal holiday, which needs little arrangement. About myself I have different ways to decide how to spend my holiday. First of all, I will try to travel with my family abroad to any country. We will write a custom essay sample on An Ideal Holiday. or any similar topic only for you Order Now A country that we haven’t traveled to before. Another thing I should put in mind is to look for a country that has a nice cold weather. And most important, I will be looking for a country which is safe and secure to me and my family. Second, I will try to spend my holiday inside the other cities in my country. I will try to choose different places in the UAE, such as Al-Ain, Khorfakan, Hatta, Fujairah, Sharjah and Ras Al-Khaimah. I will try to spend three to four days in each place, where I can visit the most attractive parks, beaches, museums, mountains and restaurants. Thirdly, if I couldn’t travel abroad or I couldn’t spend it in other places outside my city I will plan to spend my holiday in the same city I am living in. This is by looking in the news papers, internet or Television about the different activities and events held in the different places in my city to be able to reach them easily. Finally, I believe if everyone tried to think in this way to choose his/her holiday, they will be successful in choosing the ideal holiday and therefore it will be the most interesting moments in life. This is because you will be spending your holiday in something that is arranged and at the same time interesting. How to cite An Ideal Holiday., Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Cow Flu free essay sample

Every year many people die from the cow flupidemic yet very little action is taken. One method that may save lives is the use of inoculations. However, the use of inoculations costs the state much more and also has a risk of death. The negative factors outweigh the small benefit of using inoculations. Moreover, the cow flu is present in rural areas where individuals are more susceptible. In these areas the local health care clinic should become proactive and educate individuals in those environments to be cautious. The use of inoculations will not be enough to tackle this problem. First of all, there is a risk of death with the injection depending on the person. The strong injection has many side effects such as fast heart beat, fatigue and of course death. Furthermore, there are other ways to save lives other than using injections. The state should have routine screenings. The farms should be checked for bacteria and various other factors promoting the flu to be present. We will write a custom essay sample on Cow Flu or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page With various methods the disease can diminish and save lives. Outline Thesis: The argument above presents a method to save lives, however, the use of inoculations may also increase the chance of death amongst individuals. However, there is not enough information or statistic to prove whether the injections cause deaths. 1st paragraph: The argument presents a negative approach for the use of inoculations, because, there is a greater risk of death. However, there is no evidence or facts present to show the injections cause these deaths. The author doesn’t provide any health facts or studies to support their argument. 2nd paragraph: Furthermore, the author either believes there should inoculations or none at all. The author doesn’t present alternatives to take a better approach. The approach is vague and doesn’t go into details whether the vaccines may be only used on certain individuals. 3ndParagraph In order to make this argument persuasive: present stats and studies Counter argument: the stats may be unreliable or outdated. Closing: Hence, the author has presented vague information which doesn’t help the argument. The use of inoculations may pose a threat and increase deaths , however it still doesn’t persuade the reader.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Role of an Army leader Essay Essay Example

Role of an Army leader Essay Essay The function of an army leader is to supply intent. way. and motive to soldiers while go oning to transport out the mission or undertaking that is at manus. As a leader in the ground forces. one must keep their cognition of the criterions of behavior. policy. jurisprudence. regulations of battle. and the Geneva Conventions. Leaderships of the ground forces must be able to understand that their actions. behaviours. and determinations are a direct reflects of their leading and the ground forces as a whole. As a leader in the ground forces. one must be able to stand for the army’s leading values as a direct representation and they must be able to be a function theoretical account for their soldiers to follow. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of an Army leader Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Role of an Army leader Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Role of an Army leader Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Army leaders are committed to developing value based leading and seeing to the wellbeing of Soldiers and their households. The function of an army leader extends influence beyond the direct concatenation of bid. An army leader is a direct representation of the organisation in which they represent and the armed forces in general. As a leader in the ground forces. one must take by illustration and must be a direct representation of the criterion and of good behaviour. Leaderships are responsible for set uping and keeping positive outlooks and attitudes. which produce the scene for positive attitudes and effectual work behaviours. Leaderships must be able to promote and back up the growing of persons and squads to ease the accomplishment of organisational ends. Leaderships need to fix others to presume places within the organisation. guaranting a more various and productive organisation. Guidance is an of import of being a leader in the ground forces by guaranting those undertakings are consistent and accomplished in a timely mode. Harmonizing to Army Regulation 600-100 ( AR 600-100 ) . there are three degrees of leading. The degrees of leading are direct. organisational. and strategic. As a direct leader. you are the frontline leader to the soldiers such as their squad leaders or squad leaders. Direct leaders are responsible for constructing cohesive bonds amongst their squad and to authorise their subsidiaries along with implementing policies to be able to carry through the mission. As a direct leader. you must be able to run independently. but within the bounds of the commander’s purpose. Organizational leaders on the other manus are those that must cover at higher echelons such as a battalion or brigade degree. Their policies influence the bid clime. and they must be adept in communicating. dialogue. critical logical thinking. and interpersonal accomplishments. They must be skilled at complex determination devising and job resolution and hold a good apprehension of the full scope of full-spectrum operations. Strategic leaders set the organisational construction. allocate resources. and joint the strategic vision. Strategic leading involves running the ground forces from developing strategic programs. policies. counsel. and Torahs to finding force construction designs based on future mission demands and capablenesss. As a strategic leader they must be able to prioritise over-arching ground forces plans against viing involvements while jointing ground forces plans and policies to the highest degrees of DOD and the authorities. All leaders have the duty of mentoring those junior enlisted soldiers below them in rank and to develop them to the fullest extent possible. Army leaders can develop junior soldiers through preparation and instruction and are responsible for supplying feedback to the soldier through guidance. coaching. and mentoring. As a leader when you coach a junior soldier. you are simply supplying counsel to the soldier in ways to carry through a undertaking at manus. Coaching is a tool best used to convey out that single quality as a future leader and to heighten their leading abilities. One of the most of import functions as an army leader is to mentor lesser experient soldiers and assist them to make their fullest possible both personal and professional. Leader must be able to mentor soldiers in both a professional and insouciant mode. Another function of a leader is to develop soldiers in a manner that they will represent the warrior ethos as it is stated in the soldier’s credo. The ground forces has a committedness to the development of its hereafter leaders by supplying the proper preparation in values. properties. and progressively complex and unstable universe. Respect and leading is something that goes manus in manus. To be a good leader. you must be able to derive regard in order to be a good leader and be able to keep moral amongst the soldiers in which you are trying to take. The definition of regard is an attitude of respect. esteem. or esteem ; to pay proper attending to and demo consideration towards an person and to handle them politely. Respect is something that is need in the ground forces due to the fact that as single advancements in rank they take on more duties and must be able to take soldiers and in order to take soldiers. first you must be able to give regard to your soldiers for them to demo you respect. Without regard in the ground forces there would be no signifier of order or criterion in which a leader can keep a soldier to as a usher to follow. Respect is an property that must be earned in order to be given. In order to acquire regard. you must foremost be able to handle soldiers with regard and as grownups. Respect is a major facet in mundane life in both a professional and personal mode. Respect is the foundation on which our society lives. The darkest times in our country’s history can be traced to a deficiency of regard. When Torahs are ignored there can be no civility. The Torahs in our society are based on regard. both for ourselves and those around us. For one to be considered a good leader there must be an even sum of leading and regard that is portrayed to the soldiers. Soldiers are more disposed to esteem leaders that show them respect alternatively of those that do non demo them esteem. As a leader of soldiers. you must be able to divide the line from friend and leader but must be able to give regard in order to acquire regard. Respect is one of the nucleus ground forces values and every soldier should populate by it if they are portion of the ground forces and they must adhere to the ground forces values in their mundane lives.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Oragan Transplants essays

Oragan Transplants essays Now you have to realize that we are in a no win situation with the issue of organ transplants. It isnt fair, and there is no way we can make it completely fair until there are enough organs available to satisfy the demand for them. Some people are just not going to receive a transplant, and there is nothing we can do about that right now. Dividing people into three classifications, and listing them according to that, will maximize the efficiency by which we distribute our limited supply of organs, and minimize the loses we are incurring because of the organ shortage. Some would say this system is not fair to the people on the secondary and tertiary lists, because if the primary list is big enough to use all of the available organs, then the people on the other lists will most likely die. Well, people are dying anyway while waiting for organs, and yes it is unfair that people have to die, but it is even more unfair when somebody dies who needs a new liver through no fault of their own, and an alcoholic who has boozed their life away, takes that liver and lives. Who in their sober right mind would call that fair? Who has the right to judge which people die or not? You and I are not some god-like figure, so we dont have the right to do that. I would completely agree with these critics about nobody have the right to judge other people, but these lists are not judging anybody. By choosing to participate in certain activities, or not, people are ultimately deciding their own placement on these lists. They arent be judged by anybody, just categorized by their lifestyles. In other words, people would simply be taking responsibility for their actions. If one chooses to get consume large amounts of alcoholic beverages every night until they need a new liver, then that is their own choice, and they should pay the consequences for it. If it means death, so be it. They had their chance with life,...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Analysis of Strategic Alliances or Value Opportunities Part II Assignment

Analysis of Strategic Alliances or Value Opportunities Part II - Assignment Example Out of the rush to complete the process, we quickly went into a merger with the company, only to realize later that the company was involved in a huge debt that we had to incur. This made it impossible for us to experience any growth and profitability from the alliance turned merger. I therefore share the position that alliance leads to profitability but it ought to be a strategic one (Kaplan, Norton & Rugelsjoen, 2010). Â  Indeed it will be no act of over elaboration for me to say that your post is one of the most insightful I have ever read. This is because of the way you approach the subject of business strategic planning from a holistic perspective. In fact I perfectly agree with you on the point that most modern day business executives have only looked at business strategies from a myopic perspective where they fail to appreciate the place and importance of overall success. Instead, they tend to be content with reaching their quota and meeting service levels. Meanwhile, as the global business climate becomes highly competitive, it is important that businesses factor in the core issues of competitive growth rather than individual growth. To do this, it is important for businesses to take advantage of the concept of strategic alliance in finding as many global benchmarks with whom they can form alliances with and partner for growth (Grayson,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Congestive Heart Failure Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Congestive Heart Failure - Research Paper Example In some cases, patients with heart failure may need implantation of mechanical devices, such as pacemakers and cardioverter defibrillators or ICDs (Saxon et al, 2009). This paper will discuss the different pharmacological treatments and procedural interventions for the treatment of congestive heart failure. Risks and complications associated with each approach will likewise be discussed. What is Congestive Heart Failure? Congestive heart failure is a disorder that causes pulmonary vascular obstruction and decreased cardiac input. In layman’s terms, it is a condition in which the heart cannot pump sufficient oxygenated blood to meet the needs of the other organs of the body. CHF causes pumping malfunctions of the heart in either the left or right side. In some cases, both sides are impaired. Malfunction of the heart’s pumping ability may cause blood to collect in areas of the body, such as the lungs, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, arms and legs, causing oxygen a nd nutrition losses. These losses decrease the organs’ capacity to work efficiently (Berger, 2009). ... weaken the heart are anemia, hemorrhage, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, kidney or liver failure, longstanding alcoholism and drug abuse, mainly cocaine and amphetamines. Severe vitamin deficiencies could rarely cause a heart weakening (Soufer, 1992). Modifications in Behavior and Lifestyle The most important approach to the treatment of CHF is a change in the behavior and lifestyle of the patient. Regular exercise could be helpful in the maintenance of overall bodily functions, quality of life, and survival. Further vital precautionary steps include the following: maintaining a normal blood pressure, smoking restrictions, moderation in alcohol intake, and abstinence from cocaine and other prohibited drugs; cautious diet; weight control and low Sodium diet (Soufer, 1992). Pharmacological Treatment and Possible Side Effects Pharmacological treatments are aimed at stopping the progression of the disease, thus, diminishing symptoms and complications, and preventing hospital admissions and mo rtality. Several treatments have been effective in reducing some or all of these, however, each approach has possible side effects, hence, cautious observation is necessary to capitalize on benefits and lessen unpleasant consequences (Management of Chronic Heart Failure, 2007). Diuretics, also called â€Å"water pills,† facilitate easy pumping of the heart because they reduce the water and sodium in the body. Removal of excess fluid likewise lowers blood pressure since there is less blood volume for the heart to pump, and there is minimal force used by the blood vessels. Excess fluid reduction lowers or gets rid of edema or swelling in the ankles, feet or abdomen (Management of Chronic Heart Failure, 2007). Several diuretics cause potassium loss. Potassium, an essential body component that

Monday, November 18, 2019

Did the USA need to drop bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 Essay

Did the USA need to drop bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 - Essay Example Simultaneously, it demonstrated a change within the nature of warfare, as well as the beginning of a novel age. American Head of state Harry Truman’s contentious verdict to drop an atomic-bomb on Japan concluded the 2nd World War as well as initiated the nuclear era (Leahy 2008). Since the culmination of the warfare, Truman’s verdict has been the focus of much debate, largely becauseof the huge civilian fatality toll, which ensued from the assaults. Nevertheless, the setting of the era as well as the demand to culminate the 2nd World War rendered the usage of the nuclear-powered weapons an indispensible action to force the Japan’s surrender. Truman’s verdict to employ the atomic-bomb over Japan was vindicated by the historic setting of the 2nd World Warfare, Japan’s repudiation to surrender totally, and the huge death toll projected from an attack of central Japan. Revisionists have reckoned the usage of the atomic-bomb a misdemeanor against humanit y because of the high civilian casualties as well as horrific effects, which ensued from the attacks. The subject of morals has made this debate much more controversial (Leahy 2008). Assessed by today’s ethical standards, the usage of the nuclear bomb on Japan that produced thousands of fatalities is commonly viewed as ethically wrong (Hayes 2006). Nearly 150,000 nationals were murdered because of the attack of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Only forty three thousands of Hiroshima’s populations of three hundred and fifty thousand were soldiers (McNulty 2005). Conferring to the American Strategic Bombing Assessment, all but three thousand, two hundred and forty three of the seventy thousand people slayed by the bombing of Hiroshima were civilians (The United States Strategic Bombing Survey 2006). Because of the large civilian death-toll from the bombardments, the usage of the nuclear explosives is contended to be unlawful (Frank 2009, pg. 19). Rendering to the ‘Draft Rul es of Aerial Warfare’, outlined in February of 1923, the bombarding of nationals was an illegal and illegitimate usage of military force. The ‘Draft Rules of Aerial Warfare’ assert that the Aerial bombing is legal only when aimed at a martial objective, namely, a purpose where the injury or destruction would establish a distinctive military benefit to the destructive, and additionally firms that if legal military goals such as martial establishments as well as factories employed for military reasons are so positioned, that they can never be attacked without the undiscerning assault upon the civilian populace, the aircraft should abstain from assault (Leahy 2008). The bombing of Japan’s warfare production industries unavoidably resulted to the prevalent bombings of huge areas occupied by civilians. Hence, according to global law, Nagasaki and Hiroshima were not legal military targets (McNulty 2005). As the attack of these towns was unlawful, the usage of th e nuclear bombs is contended to have been unfounded rendering to the prevailing international decree during the 2nd World War (Hayes 2006). The large civilian death-toll, which ensued from the attack of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, occurred in a dreadful manner. Radiation illness afterwards claimed tens-of-thousands’ of lives of people who were not directly murdered by the attack (Hayes 2006). Burchett Wilfred, a journalist who went to Hiroshima on September of 1945, depicted the predicament of radiation fatalities that in Hiroshima, 30 days following the first nuclear

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Fibonacci Sequence

Fibonacci Sequence How Does the Fibonacci Sequence Relate to Nature and Other Math Processes? Nature is all around us, and because I spend a lot of time outside I have been able to enjoy and observe all that nature has to offer. Due to the fact that I love science and discovering how everything around me functions and relates to everything else, I decided to investigate the relation that Fibonacci has with other math processes—as well as with the environment. I wanted to understand how plants know the best way to form their seeds or outer shell, and why some patterns may repeat in nature in different plants and organic materials. Thus, this exploration looks at two seemingly unrelated topics—Fibonacci and the golden ratio—both of which produce the same number, phi. While this could be mere coincidence, that possibility is negated when the fact that the number produced is irrational is introduced. It was this peculiar discovery, as well as the abundant appearances of Fibonacci in nature, that led me to choose this exploration topic. To begin, I should start by identifying what initially sparked my curiosity in this subject: a pinecone. As with many other plants, as well as fruits and vegetables, pinecones display the golden ratio. In order to better understand what I am talking about I have included a picture of a pinecone similar to the one that I first inspected. Labeled below is the noticeable spiral pattern on the pinecone. Counting the number of spirals in that direction produces the number eight, and in the other direction it produces the number thirteen while a third and tighter spiral produces twenty-one. These numbers are situational to the pinecone in the pictures, but the Fibonacci numbers as a whole are far more complex than they first appear to be. To understand the importance of these numbers it is crucial to understand the fundamentals of the Fibonacci sequence itself. The sequence usually begins with the numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 and follows an easily definable pattern. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 Start with the number 5, or the nth number in the sequence. We’ll call it n. 5 equals the two numbers before it added together: 2 + 3. Or, in broader terms, a number in the sequence is the sum of the two numbers preceding it. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13n = n-1 + n-2 An interesting idea comes up at the mention of this formula though. = This ratio just so happens to equal a number often notated as, or phi. > 1/11Phi is greater than one, < 2/12but less than two. > 3/21.5Phi is greater than three halves, < 5/31.666but less than five thirds. > 8/51.6Phi is greater than eight fifths, < 13/81.625but less than thirteen eights. 1.6180339988†¦ You’ll notice that each fraction listed above is made up of numbers from the original seven number sequence, in other words, each pair of Fibonacci numbers creates a ratio that gets closer and closer to phi as the numbers increase. This is better shown on a graph I created, displayed below. The ratio created by these sequences as they approach phi is called the golden ratio. The golden ratio, however, is not as important to this study as the lesser known concept of the golden angle. Below is a representation of the golden ratio in relation to the golden angle, the smaller portion of the circle notated using alpha, or ÃŽ ±. ÃŽ ± = 137.507764 ° 137.5 ° The reason this conversion is necessary is because the golden angle is present in the next discussion topic: sunflowers. Or, more specifically, their seeds. Sunflowers are another great example of the appearance of Fibonacci in nature, and also led me to an interesting discovery. In order to plot the distribution of a sunflower’s seeds we need an X and a Y coordinate pair. Using the square roots from an index numbered from one to one thousand and multiplying them by the cosine of the radian of the angle alpha gives us a formula to find x, dependent on the index number used. Y can be calculated with a very similar formula, using sine instead of cosine. The equations are listed in their entirety below. When these formulas are used and input into Microsoft Excel they produce a graph similar to the following. Wow! That graph bears a striking resemblance to the original Fibonacci spirals that appeared in the pinecones, and as mentioned earlier it is not mere coincidence. While the use of the golden ratio is apparent, there is another aspect of it that I wish to address, the golden spiral. Its formulae are given by the following equations, and are readily apparent in nature as well (nautilus shells for example). In these equations is the undetermined scaling factor and is the growth factor of the spiral. In the instance of the golden spiral, is equal to the operation below. At first, these formulae appeared to be a strange smattering of numbers, and one I didn’t understand at all. However, upon noticing the appearance of a natural log in the formula for I made a connection to the letter , better known as Euler’s number, that is present in both the X and Y formulae. After thorough searches of many sources I discovered another math process that bares resemblance to the above formulae. This is Euler’s formula. It becomes increasingly apparent that its resemblance is not coincidental when the formula is transformed into the final formula shown below. While the visual similarities may be obvious when the formula is displayed as it is above, the importance of each variable can be clarified with simple explanations. is the arbitrary scaling factor, responsible for determining the scale of the spiral. dictates the rotation of the spiral, and remains constant. The in dictates the growth of the spiral, and the dictates the speed—together representing the speed of the growth of the spiral. More simply put, any given ordered pair can be found by multiplying the growth of the spiral by its rotation (as shown in the originally given formulae for finding said coordinates.) What is produced, however, after inputting over two thousand pieces of data, derived from the coordinates calculated using the formulae above, into Microsoft Excel, is shown in the graph below. After putting in the Fibonacci squares (using the original golden ratio) into the spiral its appearance and relation to Fibonacci become even clearer. Very simply put, my investigation yielded the result that the Fibonacci sequence, the golden spiral, and Euler’s number are all related to one another in nature. The results are eye opening for me, as I am beginning to realize just how much of the world is made up of math—rather than my previous belief that everything natural occurred randomly. My exploration only stemmed into plants, and while that may only have practical use in fields such as botany, all three have great value in many fields. To begin with, Fibonacci appears in bee populations, proportions of the human body, formation of cells, and possibly more practically in code and the stock market. Any of these fields could present an interesting extension to my exploration, and because they all stem from Fibonacci they all have roots in combinatorics and number theory. The implications of this are staggering! Simply the thought that all of these vastly different fields are related to one another by one sequence of numbers discovered by Leonardo of Pisa, better known as Fibonacci himself, is baffling considering that he discovered them while looking at the breeding patterns of rabbits. There are so many other areas in nature that Fibonacci appears in, and I’m so excited that I have the opportunity to discover and study them now that I know more about them. Works Cited Azad, Kalid. Intuitive Understanding Of Euler’s Formula. Better Explained. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2015. . Nature by Numbers. Eterea. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Feb. 2015. . â€Å"Spirals.† < http://faculty.smcm.edu/sgoldstine/pinecone/spirals2.gif> Wolverson, Tim. Plot a Fibonacci Spiral in Excel. Reviews and Guides. WordPress, 08 Feb. 2014. Web. Jan.-Feb. 2015. . McDonald 1

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

He Knows He Was There :: essays papers

He Knows He Was There Human beings have a tendency to need some sort of tangible or perceivable proof in order to fully understand a concept. Most people will not take what is being told to them as true unless they are shown somehow that it is true. In a work of fiction, the author strives to create a tangible setting for the reader to captivate him in his reading experience. The author uses believable scenes to reveal character traits and various themes by showing how the characters act and react in different situations. This is apparent in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s greatest work, The Great Gatsby. This novel is set during the 1920’s in the New York City area. It revolves around the events and lives of a group of individual. These few people are of higher social rank. Fitzgerald takes the reader into this high society through the eyes of Nick, the narrator. His use of a first hand narrator aids him greatly in revealing the wasteful and greedy moral values of the characters and the soci ety in which they live in his novel, The Great Gatsby. During the 1920’s, wasteful use of money by the elite was rampant. In The Great Gatsby, there is a scene that depicts a sort of social gathering in a New York apartment. Tom and Nick, wealthy residents of the ‘Eggs’, are present. Myrtle and her sister Catherine are also present. Tom is currently having an affair with Myrtle, so she has a connection with the rich culture. Her sister Catherine, on the other hand, does not have any connection with such people. Nick, the narrator of the novel, provides us with a first hand account of the scene: â€Å"The bottle of whisky - a second one - was now in constant demand by all present, excepting Catherine who ‘felt just as good on nothing at all’† (39). This scene, depicted by a narrator who was present, reveals many details about the characters that otherwise could have not been displayed. It shows a group of people being dependent on a substance to have fun. The people participating are mainly the ri ch or individuals with some connection to the rich. To many, alcohol is a symbol of escape. Somebody abuses alcohol in order to run away from reality and to seclude himself from society. It seems silly that such an apparently well off group of individuals would want to escape reality.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Determination of distance in a shooting scene Essay

Determination of distance in a shooting scene Introduction            Distance determination is an activity that is carried out to determine the distance at which a fire-arm was shot from in a crime scene. It is also a calculation done by the examiner to indicate the really distance of shooting in a crime scene. It is done to approximate the actual point from which a person was shot, something that is evident in the gun residue, that is, gunpowder from the muzzle to the target (Saferstein, 2011).            Forensic science has been of great help in investigating crimes in all ways that the crime is committed helping the investigator apprehend the criminal (Saferstein, 2011). The laboratory is not only used for the blood stain, it is also used to examine the weapon used in committing the crime for example a gun. The firearms suspected to have been used or involved in a crime are taken to the laboratory for investigation and examination to help establish the source and whether the firearm has ever been used in addition to the owner (Saferstein, 2011). This is done using a microscope that magnifies the cartridge used. The gun is used to determine the distance using the muzzle. The investigator can shoot from different angles using the same type of gun then checks the hole and measures the diameter used from the gun and the gunpowder will give clear indication of the distance (Saferstein, 2011).            The gun is used to determine the distance using the muzzle the investigator can shoot from different angles then checks the hole and measures the diameter of the muzzle from the points and then compares with the hole of the actual incident (Saferstein, 2011). Therefore, the muzzle-to-target analysis can help in determine the distance of the shooter to the target. The gunpowder is beneficial to the investigator because it leaves a pattern and enables the investigator to match the firearms used and the how the shooting took place (Saferstein, 2011). Reference Saferstein, R. (2011). Criminalistics: An introduction to forensic science. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Source document

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Puritan society Essays

Puritan society Essays Puritan society Essay Puritan society Essay Arthur Millers Crucible is set in the deeply religious society of Salem in 1692. When the McCarthyism incident arose in America in the 1950s, Miller decided to write an allegory that would draw parallels between what was happening then and what was happening in the 1950s. the trumped-up witch hysteria in Salem, Massachusetts, deteriorated the rational, and emotional stability of its citizens. This exploited populations weakest qualities and insecurities. The obvious breakdown in Salems social order led to the tragedy which saw twenty innocent people hung on the accusation of witchcraft. Arthur Miller, author of The Crucible, used hysteria to introduce personality flaws in venerable characters. A ridged social system, fear and confusion were evident conditions that became prevalent before and during the witch trials. These conditions only contributed to the tragedy in Salem. The isolation of the Puritan society created a rigid social system that did not allow for any variation in lifestyle. The society of Salem was fixed around the idea that life is to be lived serving God, whether it be working in the fields or going to church at every opportunity. Salems attitude to leisure and free time would be considered somewhat different to modern day preferences. They would not have permitted reading, unless the words read about God and prayer against enjoyment such as visiting the theatre. Such Christians did not even celebrate Christmas, as a break from work would be just another opportunity to concentrate on prayer. Salem was afraid that if the work routine were broken so would be Salems morals of keeping the place from spoiling. Looking closely at the text in The Crucible we can explore how Arthur Miller uses language and dramatic devices to emphasise the importance of religion to the community of Salem. Because religious language is used in almost every conversation, be this at home, during the trials or even in a simple chat towards one another, this shows how Salem is surrounded by religion and it is a part of everyday life, but some people use it a lot more often then others and for several reasons. One reason is to put other characters under pressure and to create tension. We can see this in Hales questioning of the Proctors. The first sense of tension is seen when Hale asks Goody Proctor if she knows her commandments. From the stage directions we can tell how this is said to have made Elizabeth feel under pressure. Then, with the voice of one administering a secret test. Calling it a secret test is correct and a clever way of putting Hales questioning, in the sense that Hale is testing the Proctors religious knowledge and giving them a chance to prove that although they have their faults they are both good Christians.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to Write a Case Study Analysis for Business School

How to Write a Case Study Analysis for Business School When writing a business case study analysis, you must first have a good understanding of the case study. Before you begin the steps below, read the business case carefully, taking notes all the while. It may be necessary to read the case several times to get all of the details and fully grasp the issues facing the group, company, or industry. As you are reading, do your best to identify key issues, key players, and the most pertinent facts. After you are comfortable with the information, use the following step-by-step instructions (geared toward a single-company analysis) to write your report. To write about an industry, just adapt the steps listed here to discuss the segment as a whole. Step 1: Investigate the Company’s History and Growth A company’s past can greatly affect the present and future state of the organization. To begin, investigate the company’s founding, critical incidents, structure, and growth. Create a timeline of events, issues, and achievements. This timeline will come in handy for the next step.   Step 2: Identify Strengths and Weaknesses Using the information you gathered in step one, continue by examining and making a list of the value creation functions of the company. For example, the company may be weak in product development but strong in marketing. Make a list of problems that have occurred and note the effects they have had on the company. You should also list areas where the company has excelled. Note the effects of these incidents as well. Youre essentially conducting a partial  SWOT analysis  to get a better understanding of the companys strengths and weaknesses. A SWOT analysis involves documenting things like internal strengths (S) and weaknesses (W)  and  external opportunities (O) and threats (T).   Step 3: Examine the External Environment The third step involves identifying opportunities and threats within the company’s external environment. This is where the second part of the SWOT analysis (the O and the T)  comes into play. Special items to note include competition within the industry, bargaining powers, and the threat of substitute products. Some examples of opportunities include expansion into new markets or new technology. Some examples of threats include  increasing competition and higher interest rates. Step 4: Analyze Your Findings Using the information in steps 2 and 3, create an evaluation for this portion of your case study analysis. Compare the strengths and weaknesses within the company to the external threats and opportunities. Determine if the company is in a strong competitive position, and decide if it can continue at its current pace successfully. Step 5: Identify Corporate-Level Strategy To identify a company’s corporate-level strategy, identify and evaluate the company’s mission, goals, and actions toward those goals. Analyze the company’s line of business and its subsidiaries and acquisitions. You also want to debate the pros and cons of the company strategy to determine whether or not a change might benefit the company in the short or long term.​ Step 6: Identify Business-Level Strategy Thus far, your case study analysis has identified the company’s corporate-level strategy. To perform a complete analysis, you will need to identify the company’s business-level strategy. (Note: If it is a single business, without multiple companies under one umbrella, and not an industry-wide review, the corporate strategy and the business-level strategy are the same.) For this part, you should identify and analyze each company’s competitive strategy, marketing strategy, costs, and general focus. Step 7: Analyze Implementations This portion requires that you identify and analyze the structure and control systems that the company is using to implement its business strategies. Evaluate organizational change, levels of hierarchy, employee rewards, conflicts, and other issues that are important to the company you are analyzing. Step 8: Make Recommendations The final part of your case study analysis should include your recommendations for the company. Every recommendation you make should be based on and supported by the context of your analysis. Never share hunches or make a baseless recommendation. You also want to make sure that your suggested solutions are actually realistic. If the solutions cannot be implemented due to some sort of restraint, they are not realistic enough to make the final cut. Finally, consider some of the alternative solutions that you considered and rejected. Write down the reasons why these solutions were rejected.   Step 9: Review Look over your analysis when you have finished writing. Critique your work to make sure every step has been covered. Look for grammatical errors, poor sentence structure, or other things that can be improved. It should be clear, accurate, and professional. Business Case Study Analysis Tips Keep these strategic tips in mind: Know the case study ​backward and forward before you begin your case study analysis.Give yourself enough time to write the case study analysis. You dont want to rush through it.Be honest in your evaluations. Dont let personal issues and opinions cloud your judgment.Be analytical, not descriptive.Proofread your work, and even let a test reader give it a once-over for dropped words or typos that you no longer can see.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Cyber Attacks Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Cyber Attacks - Term Paper Example A background of origin of tense environment between America and the world of terrorism sharply identifies foreign variables in defining the current conditions in the country. The implementation gap on effective anti-terrorism policies identifies in detail the nature of evolving terror environment backed by technology and online computer usage to support the magnitude of current terror threats (Saskia, 2011). The nature of legislation and criminal justice system with respect to provisions of the constitution dominate the remaining sections of the discourse, with case laws illustrating the standoff to flawless war on terror. Two classical cases that defined the interaction between the fight against terror and legally supported government polices illustrate the apparent standoff. Finally, opinion is given on different issues touching on the overall global status of US effort in fighting terrorism. The Department of Homeland Security is a constitutional establishment that takes up the task of ensuring that the country wards off crime and potentially harmful actions, in accordance with the requirements of the constitution with regard to provision of protection by national government. The government deploys resources within its control for provision of a safe environment through the Department of Homeland Security. Internal threats precipitated by actions happening within the country or beyond the borders constitute the concerns of the Department at all times. It is increasingly impossible for America to remain safe, with the impact of foreign intrusions dwelling on the country than ever before. In view of the state of threats to national security, America devotes the largest fraction of its national budget to fund departments entrusted with ensuring that America is safe. If the country did not perceive such threats to be as serious, perhaps the proportion of budgetary allocatio n across the other departments would not show such a huge disparity. Aggression against

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Going Hi-tech at DrugDiv Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Going Hi-tech at DrugDiv - Essay Example The employees underwent intensive computer training for at least three days.Management was pleased with their efforts of what seemed like upgrading their division with technological advances. On the other hand, the sales representatives were disgruntled with the additional work of logging into technology and being less efficient due to their adjustment to the new tasks at hand. Glitches were also experienced with regards to the database, thereby losing prospective clients. They find themselves spending so much time learning to make their computers work, taking the time they need to do their real job which was sales. On top of that, they felt they were â€Å"ball-chained† to their supervisors who were able to reach them anytime through their computers and mobile phones, demanding reports more often than before. The sales reps were finding out for themselves that the introduction of technology in their jobs was more of a hassle than a help. Management-side stuck to their guns refusing to see systems failure. Instead, they attributed the data errors in the database as human failure to encode data correctly. This caused more conflict and division among the management and sales force. Meanwhile, the company was not doing very well in terms of service to customers and therefore, projected profits were low. The case study was concluded with management’s lack of commitment to involve the sales force. Grievances of the sales reps regarding heavy workload and increased control over their activities remained issues that management did not deal with. The prevailing organizational problems seen in the case study was a violation of a â€Å"psychological contract†, breakdown in communication in the introduction of technology in the sales work, ineffective transfer of knowledge of the benefits of technology use.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Public Law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Public Law - Assignment Example At what point is a constitutional convention said to exist? Scholars have developed several tests over time to indentify existed of a convention. They include Jennings test developed by Sir Ivor Jennings and Marshall and Moodie test. The objective of this paper is to examine the two tests, their differences and how both tests apply in case of an individual minister responsibility. Jennings test According to Sir Ivor Jennings, a constitutional convention exists if three core requirements are satisfied: (1) The must precedents underpinning it, (2) the parties to the particular convention must be bound by it and (3) there must be a reason for the existence of the convention. This test was adopted by the Supreme Court of Canada in Re Amendment of the Constitution of Canada.5 In this case, the government had proposed certain changes to the constitution without seeking consent of the provinces. The Constitution of Canada did not require consent of the provinces in such circumstances. Howev er, a convention had developed such that the consent of the provinces was always sought before such a change to the constitution. ... The main issue was whether education convention had been extended over time by custom to include advocacy correspondence. The court adopted Jennings test. It had no problem with establishing the first element since the prince had clearly been engaging in advocacy correspondence. With regard to the second element, the tribunal found that Prince Charles did not feel entitled to contact ministers and they did not feel they were obligated to respond as part of his â€Å"preparation for kingship.6 The third element was also finding lacking. The tribunal held that the education convention did not extend to advocacy correspondence: â€Å"it is the constitutional role of the monarch, not the heir to the throne, to encourage or warn government†.7 Consequently since two out of the three requirements failed, the tribunal held that the educational convention did not extend to advocacy.8 Marshall and Moodie test Marshal and Moodie9 state â€Å"a convention is a non-legal rule of constitu tional behavior which has been consistently accepted by those affected by it as binding on them, but which is not enforceable in the courts† Therefore, according to Marshal and Moodie, the question to ask is whether the convention has been consistently accepted by those to whom it is binding. Secondly, it has to be formulated on the basis of an acknowledged principle of government.10 According to the Upper Tribunal in Evans, â€Å"there was in fact nothing said by Marshall and Moodie which was inconsistent with what was said by Jennings†.11 However, the two tests exhibit some differences. To begin with, according to Jennings first test, the particular convention must have had a precedent. â€Å"A single precedent with a good reason may be enough to establish the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Disability Discrimination Essay Example for Free

Disability Discrimination Essay Would you deem Karina disabled under the ADAAA? If so, what reasonable accommodations would you offer to her? Karina has a medical condition requiring her to take steroids and other medications. This condition led to Karina gaining weight and not able to wear two uniform items, the stockings and heels. These conditions affect her back, circulatory system, and endurance level. Additionally, according to her doctor, Karina must stop wearing the stockings and heels because of her condition. Based on this information, Karina does qualify as â€Å"disabled† even if she does not display symptoms that interfere with her ability to perform her duties. By taking medication, Karina is mitigating (reducing) the effects of her illness. However, her employer cannot consider this information in determining if she has a protected disability under the ADAAA. The ADA was passed nearly 20 years ago to provide legal protections for, and to end discrimination against, workers with disabilities. The ADA is a wide-ranging civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability. It affords similar protections against discrimination to Americans with disabilities as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which made discrimination based on race, religion, sex, national origin, and other characteristics illegal. Under the ADA, an individual is considered to have a disability if that individual either (1) has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of that persons major life activities, (2) has a record of such an impairment, or (3) is regarded by the covered entity as having such an impairment. The determination of whether any particular condition is considered a disability is made on a case by case basis. When the ADA was first passed into law in 1990, federal courts were very strict in determining which employees met the ADAs definition of a disability, resulting in the dismissal of many cases. A series of such court decisions made it increasingly difficult to qualify for the laws protections. To remedy this problem, Congress recently passed the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), which went into effect on January 1, 2009. The ADAAA made five changes to the ADA that are significant. 1.It provides that the definition of the ADA disability must both be more flexible and broadly construed. 2.It expands the list of major life activities. 3.It provides that courts can no longer consider whether mitigating measures, such as medication or assistive technology, reduce the impact of impairment on an individual. 4.It states that diseases that are episodic or in remission may still be disabilities. 5.It provides that employees who claims they are regarded as disabled can now make an ADA claim, even if the perceived disability does not impact a major life activity. It is important that employers be up to speed on these changes. This is especially important because the ADAAA created a shift of emphasis in applying the law. In enacting the ADAAA, Congress instructed that it should be interpreted to favor broad coverage of individuals under the ADA, and that courts must focus not on whether an employee is disabled, but on whether the employer is complying with its obligations under the law.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Brand and company analysis of Titan

Brand and company analysis of Titan In early 80s, it was identified by the Tata Group that the watch industry is a huge potential consumer market for the group to enter. A Tata veteran, Xerxes Desai who was the MD of Tata Press was chosen to head this initiative. Titan was conceived in Tata Press in 1984- a joint venture between Tata the Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation. Like most consumer markets in India during the pre-liberalization era, the watch industry was way behind the rest of the world. The technology at that time was reliable, but outdated. Tata Group entered the watch market with Quartz technology and the brand Titan. Brand identity-Kapferers Model Physique is an exterior tangible facet conveying brand qualities, form, physical specificities and colour. Physique is the starting point of branding. TITAN: Elegant corporate wear, Life-style watches Personality is an internal intangible facet which forms the character, brand personality and soul which are relevant for brands. TITAN: A complement to dress than just a time showing machine Relationship is an exterior facet with tangible and intangible areas, and defines the behaviour that indentifies the brand the way the brand connects to its customers. TITAN: Watches as a practical luxury with a function other than beauty Culture is an internal intangible facet to integrate the brand into the organization which is essential in differentiating brands. TITAN: Indian, traditional and premium quality Reflection is an external intangible facet reflecting the customer as he or she wishes to be seen as a result of using a brand. TITAN: Lives life to the fullest, multi-faceted, revives aspirations Self-Image is an internal intangible facet reflecting the customer attitude towards the brand. These inner thoughts connect personal inner relationship with the brand. TITAN: Be whatever you want to be and extract more from life Stage in the PLC Xylys Fastrack Sonata 1984 Extension of Maturity phase through REPOSITIONING Sales Time Titans winning story began in the year 1984 when there was a joint venture between the Tata Group and the Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation. Introducing Titan quartz watches which donned an international appearance, Titan Industries completely transformed the Indian watch industry. After the launch of Sonata, a value-for-money brand which offered functionally styled watches at reasonable prices, Titan Industries aimed to reach the youth of the nation with its third trendy and chic brand Fastrack. Till date, Titan has sold 100mn watches worldwide and it produces 12mn watches per annum. Steps taken by brand at each stage At Product Level Stage I: Introduction Titan offers a broad variety of choices to numerous segments across taste, gender, age and economic status. in the early days, Titan used this approach path as the cornerstone of its leadership strategy. Their former range had discrete offerings for specific requirements: Gold plated cases having fine leather straps were Formal watches launched specially for the executive Gold plated cases having ornamental bracelets were Dress watches launched for those who prefer jewellery All steel watches with functionality were the Rugged watches for those whose usage demanded more durability Stage II: Growth Launched Aqura In 1989, the trendy range for the youth Raga in 1992, the ethnic range for the sophisticated Indian woman Insignia in 1993, typical and international appearing high-end watches, for those who seek exclusivity Launched psi 2000 in 1994, the rugged, sporty and masculine watches with serious sports features for those who seek adventure. Dash in 1996, the bright and colourful collection for kids Launched Sonata in 1997, the affordable, good quality range for the budget-conscious Stage III: Maturity Titan came out with Fastrack in 1998, the cool, fashionable and funky range for the young Nebula in 1999, the solid gold and diamond-studded range of luxury watches for affluent people Steel in 2001, the smart and contemporary collection for the young 21st century executive In 2006, launched its premium watch brand Xylys Also in 2008, Titan came out with unique collections like the Octane, Diva, WWF and Zoop At Communication Level Stage I: Introduction Titan decided to invest to a great extent into exhibiting all its innovations to the prospective consumers using advertising. From the very first day, the catalogue advertising of Titan was used and it turned out to be its hallmark as it was applied regularly and was very effective in merchandising new models. These catalogue ads were also very helpful to the customers in shopping off the newspaper page, almost deciding which model they were interested in picking up. Retailers also got used to viewing customers who would walk into shops with newspaper cuttings, specifically asking for the models depicted there. The same approach is continued till this day, with almost the same effect. The most persisting part of the Titan advertising has been its music track. It was a segment from Mozarts 25th Symphony which was chosen for its class and western vibes and has become Indian Advertisings most unforgettable track. It started in 1987 in its pure classical versions with only one violin playing the melody and over the years, this piece of music has been delivered in innumerable innovative versions. Stage II: Growth In the early 90s, Titan focused on building up the Gifting market. Watches had always been favourite things to gift and Titan benefited from that. A set of 3 films were developed in 1991 around 3 relationships, where the gifting of a Titan climaxed in a touching personal moment and strengthened the bond between the protagonists. All these films were very big hits and they created a separate genre of advertising films lasting around 8 years. During these years, a series of films involving a variety of characters such as a father, a daughter, a teacher, a boyfriend etc.; with local flavour were created and released. These helped in building a huge gift segment for Titan and also became Titans Theme Campaign. Another flourishing customer-facing aspect about Titan has been its stores. In a pioneering attempt which drastically altered the industry standards, the World of Titan was born. Located in the newer parts of a city, the showrooms immediately stood out on the street and ended up in attracting a lot of walk-ins. One could get a better idea about the collection through a contextual presentation and could make up his mind which collection was right for his requirement. Stage III: Maturity Titan Industries decided to revamp its flagship watch brand with the purpose of making it more youthful and relevant to the changing times. The brand underwent a major repositioning exercise in 2005, when Hindi film actor Aamir Khan was appointed brand ambassador and it was followed by the tagline Whats Your Style? campaign. It tried to increase watch consumption per person, by suggesting the use of different watches for different occasions. In 2008, Titan moved from style statements to personality statements. With the explosion of options in a persons life, their core consumer was changing. Titan has evolved and adopted the tagline Be More. It denotes the aspirations of consumers to make more of their lives and be whatever they want to be. Market Scenario/Challenges Majority of the watch customers tend to prefer Titan because of the appealing designs and supreme quality of Titan watches. However, there is a misconception in the minds of the consumers about the prices of Titan products as they find them to be pretty expensive. Titan is now trying to get hold of newer customer segments and are attempting to target all the adults in SEC A and SEC B. Titan is also considering advanced retail strategies and is projecting to launch modern product collections. Summary Titan is the 5th largest branded watch producer in the world with four major brands in the market namely Titan, Sonata, Fastrack and Xylys, all having several sub-brands and collections. Titan Industries commenced operations with groundbreaking offerings, i.e. Quartz watches which altered the look of the Indian watch industry. Ideas which were ahead of their times at Titan Industries led to substantial accomplishments such as Single Point Solutions to each and every Original Equipment Manufacturer customer. Titan watches are available at exclusive World of Titan outlets, Fastrack outlets, multi brand dealers, Multi brand outlet Helios and multi brand stores. Taking the forecast of brand fatigue earnestly, the brand recreated itself with the flawlessly styled Euro watches collection. In the near future, Titan can introduce an exclusive assemblage for Executive men and women which is contemporary and goes well with both the traditional as well as western wear. Also, the brand needs to spread more awareness about the availability of its lesser-priced watches in lower segments of the society as most of the consumers feel that Titan brand is synonymous with premium watches.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Process Analysis Essay for Writing Papers -- essays research papers

Process Analysis Essay   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When writing a paper it can be very difficult unless you break it up into sections. When I had to write my first paper I felt like a man on a desert island all alone without a clue on how to do anything. But with the help of a few teachers they taught me how to survive on the island of writing papers. What the teachers taught me was that just like everything in life it needs to be taken in steps. The steps they taught me still apply to the papers I write to this day.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first thing you need when you write a paper is a strong foundation. Everything must start at the bottom and be built up. This applies to everything. It all starts with an idea. So start your paper with an idea, write them all down and now you have your foundation. It is just a plot of land but it’s there u just need to get it ready to be built on. So take your ideas and polish them and refine them until your have a clear well thought out idea. Now your foundation is clear and ready to be built upon.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  But as with building a house you need to get the materials to create what is going to be built. You cant just have an idea in the paper and not have any support. You need to go and gather information from several sources to support your idea. You can find this in books, Internet, and magazines. I would recommend at least 3 sources or more if possible. Also make sure they are credible sources not just John Doe’s site on the civil war. Once you have your sources you can ac...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Of White Hairs and Cricket

â€Å"A Horse and Two Goats† is a short story written by R. K. Narayan, from India. Basically, the story is about two individuals, an American and an Indian, trying to converse and communicate, but they can not seem to understand each other because of the lack of knowledge in the other’s language and culture. The story spans a very short time, perhaps a half an hour. As it is revealed in the very beginning of the story, it takes place in a very small village called Kiritam, which is only represented by a tiny dot on the local survey map. The narration of the story goes chronologically, in a third-person omniscient view, with the main characters being an American tourist and an old Indian man. Both of the characters seem a little bit ignorant and ethnocentric, as none of them have competent background knowledge of the other’s culture and language. The fact that they can not understand each other can be looked upon as the main conflict. However, by what is told, it seems like if the American should know more about Indian culture, than what the old man should know about the western ways. This is because the American is a wealthy person, probably a businessman, from New York, who has had a lifelong dream of visiting and seeing India. Somebody like this should probably had more cultural knowledge that what is shown. Along with this, he shows lack of respect when he sees a statue he finds to his liking, and wants it in his possession at once. He thinks he can just purchase it from the old man, without considering what the statue means for him or the native people. This way, the American is presented as a typical wealthy western person, who is quite materialistic and thinks that money solves all problems. What can be considered as odd, and perhaps just another example of western ignorance, is that the American naturally assumes that because the old man stands beside the statute, he owns it.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sneak and Peek essays

Sneak and Peek essays The patriot act as a document is appalling in its entirety. However to discuss the document and what is wrong with it, in its entirety, would take fifty pages. I have decided to discuss one specific provision, discuss its impact and suggest an alternative provision. In the wake of the September 11th attacks and in the middle of numerous anthrax attacks, a bill was brought before congress, dubbed The Patriot Act; the name in itself seems to force any American to support it, as if we are unpatriotic to appose it. The present executive administration pressured this bill through congress by claiming that the blood of future lives lost were on the hands of these senators and congressmen if they did not pass this bill. In hindsight, this whole situation seems to be one that would spawn bad ideas and hasty actions, and simply because of that I must remain skeptical of the patriot act, even before I began to closely examine it. While many provisions of this act are gross violations of Americ an civil liberties, we will expose one specific provisions flaw, and suggest an alternative solution to the problem that provision addresses. This is a small attempt to suggest alternative solutions to the provisions in this liberty violating act. The provision we will look at is section 213 of the patriot act. It expands the governments power to search property, and perform wiretaps without due process. I will argue that the changes that section 213 brings about are a violation of the 4th amendment, and because they violate the 4th amendment and could lead to atrocious injustices, the patriot act should be reviewed in its entirety. This is a heated debate because every American believes in their right to a safe home and that safe home must be safe from government harassment, just as it is safe from the common thief, or homicidal killer. A good solution to this problem would be to simply budget for, hire, train, and put on the streets more...